smara ciraṃ he bhāratīya ! स्मर चिरं हे भारतीय !
INTRODUCTION गानस्य परिचयः

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It is said that the prosperity of a nation is strangely yet invisibly linked to how well it respects its forefathers!

Their sacrifice acts as a bulwark to thwart all negativities, as though their indomitable spirits take up an elevated status of angel guardians, veritable sentinels to the nation!

It is as if by their sheer love for their work during their lifetime and also in their death, they are accorded a special privilege by the Divine to serve the nation still, in their after-lives as well!

“smara ciram he bhāratīya” -Let us take a moment to pray, to pay our respects and get inspired by those great souls who gave their today for our tomorrow!

कथं जनैः पूर्विकाः समाद्रियन्ते इत्येतद् आश्रित्य राष्ट्रस्य अभ्युदयः भवतीति चित्रम् ।

तैः राष्ट्राय कृतः त्यागःसकलान् अशुभविचारान् वारयितुं प्राकारः इव तिष्ठति, तेषाम् अदम्यं सत्त्वमेव जनानां दिव्यरक्षकरूपेण वर्तते ।

जीवनकाले तथा मरणावसरे अपि ते स्वकीयं कर्म प्रति यां श्रद्धाम् धृतवन्तः तस्याः अभिनन्दनेन देवाः तान् मरणानन्तरजीवने अपि राष्ट्रम् सेवितुं विशेषेण अनुजानन्ति इति प्रतीयते ।

अस्माकम् अद्यतनकालार्थं स्वकीयं श्वस्तनकालम् दत्तवद्भ्यः तेभ्यः श्रद्धाञ्जलिं कृत्वा निमेषं प्रार्थयामहे । तैः महात्मभिः राष्ट्रसेवने वयं प्रेरिताः भवेम। “स्मर चिरं हे भारतीय ” ।


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  • Word to Word Meaning
Lyrics Lyrics Lyrics पर्यायवाची

smara ciram he bhāratīya!

1. O Indian! Recall hence history thine
Ever ancient, of glory and valour
With wisdom from heart, courage of mind,
Submit thee ‘tis the call from your soul!

2. Ponder too the sacrifice of forefathers,
For aim they did, such ideals great.
Do well, we should, in this present life,
Through penance, wisdom gained thus
Walk the path of values high,
Heed ! the call of the nation nigh!

3. What doubt do you still bear,
On hallowed history the Indians share?
Did Naren, Vir, Kesava and Sarada state in vain?
Build we will our nation to heaven,
Dharma rules this land of Hindus!

4. Won’t it smell sweet, your life of sacrifice
Well spent to fulfill the aim?
Spread we will, the whole world,
With the fragrance of our nation!
And take the grace of Divine Speech,
We shall, to the far ends of the world!

स्मर चिरं हे भारतीय!

१. स्मर चिरं हे भारतीय  
तव पुरातनवीरचरितम्।
धर धियं हृदि मनसि   धैर्यं
कुरु समर्पणमात्मबुद्ध्या॥
  (स्मर चिरं ……)

२. कलय हृदये पूर्वजानां
प्रकुरु सकले जीवनेऽस्मिन्
ज्ञानकारकतपः  श्रेष्ठम्।
अनुसरामो ध्येयमार्गं 
(स्मर चिरं ……)

३. किमुत तव हृदि संशयांशो
किं वृथा नरवीरकेशव-
सर्जयामो नाकतुल्यं
(स्मर चिरं ……)

४. दीयतां ते त्यागसुरभिल-
जीवनं ननु कार्यसिद्ध्यै।
कारयामो विश्वमखिलं
साधयामो देववाणीं

smara ciraṃ he bhāratīya !

1. smara ciraṃ he bhāratīya
tava purātanavīracaritam।
dhara dhiyaṃ hṛdi manasi dhairyaṃ
kuru samarpaṇamātmabuddhyā॥
(smara ciraṃ ……)

2. kalaya hṛdaye pūrvajānāṃ
prakuru sakale jīvane’smin
jñānakārakatapaḥ śreṣṭham।
anusarāmo dhyeyamārgaṃ
(smara ciraṃ ……)

3. kimuta tava hṛdi saṃśayāṃśo
kiṃ vṛthā naravīrakeśava-
sarjayāmo nākatulyaṃ
(smara ciraṃ ……)

4. dīyatāṃ te tyāgasurabhila-
jīvanaṃ nanu kāryasiddhyai।
kārayāmo viśvamakhilaṃ
sādhayāmo devavāṇīṃ

smara ciraṃ he bhāratīya!

1. smara - ( you ) remember
ciram - always
he bhāratīya - O Indian
tava - your
purātanavīracaritam - history of ancient heroes
dhara - bear
dhiyam - thought, wisdom
hṛdi - in the heart
manasi - in the mind
dhairyam - courage
kuru - do, make
samarpaṇam - offering,
ātmabuddhyā - With an awakening from one’s Soul

2. kalaya - think
hṛdaye - in the heart
pūrvajānām - of the forefathers
tyāgapūrita - filled with sacrifices
dhyeyaniṣṭhām - dedication to high principles
prakuru - do well
sakale - in all aspects
jīvane - of life
asmin - in this
jñānakāraka - the cause of knowledge
tapaḥ - penance
śreṣṭham - greatest
anusarāmaḥ - we follow
dhyeyamārgam - a path to the big aim
deśasevanadharmajuṣṭam - laden with the duty of service to the country.

3. kimuta - what else
tava - your
hṛdi - in the heart
saṃśayāṃśaḥ - a bit of doubt
bhavyabhāratajīvacarite - in the life history of noble Indians
kim - what
vṛthā - in vain
nara-vīra- keśava-śāradādiniveditam - stated by Nara ( Narendra -Swamy Vivekananda ), Vira ( Vira Savarkar ) , Kesava (Keshav Baliram Hdgevar - Doctorji), Sarada ( Saradadevi- better half of Sri Ramakrishna ), etc.
sarjayāmaḥ - we are building
nākatulyam - equal to heaven
dharmaśāsitahindurāṣṭram - Hindu nation ruled by Dharma.

4. dīyatām - give
te - your
tyāgasurabhilajīvanam - life with the good smell of sacrifice
nanu - is it not so ( won’t you like )
kāryasiddhyai - for achieving the aim
kārayāmaḥ - we are making
viśvam - world
akhilam - the whole
bhāratatvasugandhapūrṇam - filled with the fragrance of Indianness.
sādhayāmaḥ - we are making
devavāṇīm - the divine speech ( Samskrit )
digdigantaprasāriṇīm - spreading to the all quarters.

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