sāyāhnāmbaram सायाह्नाम्बरम्
INTRODUCTION गानस्य परिचयः

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  • संस्कृतं
Nature’s palette provides the perfect shades to celebrate life!

All it requires is a bend of mind, to be still and tranquil and be a witness to the myriad scenes that It churns out every day!

The beauty and splendour of the sky at sunset simply bowls the poet over!

All he can do is to wonder and offer salutations to the One, the Master Painter!

The canvas of sunset, all set to take us through a reverie in the song ‘sāyaṃ kāle’!

प्रकृतिः जीवनम् उत्सवपूर्णं कर्तुम् उचितान् वर्णच्छायाविशेषान् वितरति।

सा प्रतिदिनं यानि परस्सहस्रं दृश्यानि आविष्करोति तानि साक्षात्कर्तुं मनसः तदनुकूलप्रवणता एव आवश्यकी ।

सूर्यास्तमये आकाशस्य यत् सौन्दर्यम् अस्ति, या च शोभा अस्ति तदुभयं कविम् अद्भुतचकितं करोति ।

आश्चर्येण स्तब्धः भूत्वा प्रकृतेः महाचित्रकारम् अभिवादयितुमेव सः शक्नोति ।

सूर्यास्तमयस्य चित्रपटम् अस्मान् सन्तोषोत्सवमार्गे नेतुं सज्जं ” सायंकाले ” इति गानद्वारा ।


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  • English
  • संस्कृतं
  • Word to Word Meaning
Lyrics Lyrics Lyrics पर्यायवाची


1. It’s dusk, the sky resplendent
With colours from Nature’s palette
Vermilion, white, yellow and blue
Lucid scenes do eyes behold!
It’s dusk, the sky resplendent
With colours from Nature’s palette
Vermilion, white, yellow and blue
Lucid scenes do eyes behold!

2. Smeared as the sky with varied hues
Kids find themselves in joy
So do birds of different shades
Fly off thence to yonder side!
It’s dusk, the sky resplendent
With colours from Nature’s palette
Vermilion, white, yellow and blue
Lucid scenes do eyes behold!

3. Every moment do the scenes change,
Into new and merrier shades,
It sure makes one wonder,
Lest it not where Gandharvas live!
It’s dusk, the sky resplendent
With colours from Nature’s palette
Vermilion, white, yellow and blue
Lucid scenes do eyes behold!

4. Who is the painter of the dusky sky?
Surely He leads all artists sundry
All I can do is bow in devotion,
Offer salutations to Thee!


1. sāyaṃ kāle tvambarakoṇe
vilikhati prakṛtirvarṇacayam।
raktaṃ pītaṃ śvetaṃ citraṃ
nīlaṃ śabalitadṛgvibhavam॥

2. varṇavicitraṃ gaganaṃ dṛṣṭvā
bālāḥ sarve tuṣyanti।
draṣṭuṃ sarvaṃ tasya samīpaṃ
vihagāḥ vividhāḥ gacchanti॥
sāyaṃ kāle tvambarakoṇe
vilikhati prakṛtirvarṇacayam।
raktaṃ pītaṃ śvetaṃ citraṃ
nīlaṃ śabalitadṛgvibhavam॥

3. pratinimiṣaṃ sa hi varṇaviśeṣaḥ
navyaṃ rūpaṃ prāpnoti।
gandharvāṇāṃ mandiramityapi
sarve martyāḥ kathayanti॥
sāyaṃ kāle tvambarakoṇe
vilikhati prakṛtirvarṇacayam।
raktaṃ pītaṃ śvetaṃ citraṃ
nīlaṃ śabalitadṛgvibhavam॥

4. pratidinamevaṃ gagane sāyaṃ
racitā varṇāḥ kenaite?
tubhyaṃ sarvakalākārāṇāṃ
nāyaka bhagavan! namo namaḥ॥


१. सायं काले त्वम्बरकोणे
विलिखति प्रकृतिर्वर्णचयम्।
रक्तं पीतं श्वेतं चित्रं
नीलं शबलितदृग्विभवम् ॥
सायं काले त्वम्बरकोणे
विलिखति प्रकृतिर्वर्णचयम्।
रक्तं पीतं श्वेतं चित्रं
नीलं शबलितदृग्विभवम् ॥

२. वर्णविचित्रं गगनं दृष्ट्वा
बालाः सर्वे तुष्यन्ति।
द्रष्टुं सर्वं तस्य समीपं
विहगाः विविधाः गच्छन्ति॥
सायं काले त्वम्बरकोणे

३. प्रतिनिमिषं स हि वर्णविशेषः
नव्यं रूपं प्राप्नोति।
गन्धर्वाणां मन्दिरमित्यपि
सर्वे मर्त्याः कथयन्ति॥

४. प्रतिदिनमेवं गगने सायं
रचिता वर्णाः केनैते?
तुभ्यं सर्वकलाकाराणां
नायक भगवन्! नमो नमः॥


1. sāyaṃkāle - in the evening
tu - in a different way
ambarakoṇe - in a corner of the sky
vilikhati - is painting
prakṛtiḥ - Nature
varṇacayam - a collection of colours.
raktam - red
pītam - yellow
śvetam - white
citram - variegated colours
nīlam - blue
śabalita - making colourful
dṛgvibhavam - the visible objects

2. varṇavicitram - beautiful with different colours
gaganam - sky
dṛṣṭvā - having seen, seeing
bālāḥ - children
sarve - all
tuṣyanti - are becoming happy
draṣṭuṃ - to see
sarvam - everything
tasya - its
samīpam - near
vihagāḥ - birds
vividhāḥ - various
gacchanti - are going

3. pratinimiṣam - every moment
saḥ - that
hi - indeed
varṇaviśeṣaḥ - unique colour
navyam - new
rūpam - form
prāpnoti - attains
gandharvāṇām - of Gandharvas
mandiram - house ( city )
iti - thus
api - also
sarve - all
martyāḥ - people
kathayanti - say.

4. pratidinam - Everyday
evam - thus
gagane - in the sky
sāyam - in the evening
racitāḥ - created
varṇāḥ - colours
kena - by whom
ete - these
tubhyam - to you
sarvakalākārāṇām - of all artists
nāyaka - leader
bhagavan - O God
namaḥ - bow (salutation )

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