saṃskṛtā surabhāratī संस्कृता सुरभारती
INTRODUCTION गानस्य परिचयः

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Saskṛtam fosters a sense of history stretching to such great timelines, instilling pride about the richness and depth of Bhāratam’s civilization, a nation of scintillating lineage and splendour!

Saskṛtam is the pivot on which the culture of Bhāratam thrives, a culture that ensures pluralism.

Historically, hindusthānam has been a great melting pot which welcomed all faiths – Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, etc. in line with its dhārmika foundations of pluralism.

The song ‘sarvamaṅgaladāyinīyam’ is rendered in a style where the teacher’s (guru) voice finds resonance in that of the disciple (śiṣya). It is a musical prayer to let the ‘Language Divine’ bloom, thrive, unbound and unfazed, spreading its fragrance all around!

बहुकालं यावत् व्याप्तम् इतिहासं पोषयति संस्कृतभाषा । सा भारतस्य संस्कृतेः नागरिकतायाः च समृद्धौ गम्भीरतायां च अस्माकम् अभिमानम् उत्थापयति । भारतम् उज्ज्वलवंशानां तेजस्विनां च राष्ट्रं भवति ।

संस्कृतमेव आधारः यत्र भारतीया संस्कृतिः वर्धते, या संस्कृतिः नानात्वं प्रबलयति ।

ऐतिहासिकदृष्ट्या वयं पश्यामः यद् भारतं महापात्रम् आसीत् अस्ति च यत् पारसीक-यहूद- क्रिस्तु-इस्लाम धर्मेभ्यः स्वागतं न्यवेदयत् । अत्र नानात्वस्य धार्मिकः आधारः प्रकटः ।

गुरोः स्वरः शिष्यस्य अनुरणनेन संमिलति इति “सर्वमङ्गलदायिनीयम् …” इति गीतस्य शैल्याः विशेषः । देवभाषासुमं विकसतु सुगन्धं प्रसारयत् सदा तिष्ठतु इति अत्र प्रार्थना ।


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  • Word to Word Meaning
Lyrics Lyrics Lyrics पर्यायवाची

saṁskṛtā surabhāratī

1. It bestows all things auspicious
This culture of humanity, divine!
Let it live in my lotus-heart,
Let it shine forth on this land!

2. In this sacred land of Bharatha,
The birth place of noble sages,
Of snowy peaks of Himalayas,
A culture thus founded in Samskrit!

3. Our ancestors by penance deep,
Thus bloomed the gracious flower, Samskrit!
Ceaseless let it abound, this nectar unique,
Spread its fragrance new, all around!

4. Let it flow on this hallowed land,
That serves the poets on their task,
And sages by sounds of mantra sweet,
The language that befits the Gods!

संस्कृता सुरभारती

१. सर्वमङ्गलदायिनीयं
दिव्यमानवसंस्कृतिः ।
वसतु मामकहृदयकमले
लसतुभारतभूतले ॥
  (सर्वमङ्गल ….)

२. पावनेऽस्मिन् भरतदेशे
ऋषिवराणां जन्मगेहे ।
संस्कृताश्रितसंस्कृतिः ॥
  (सर्वमङ्गल ….)

३. पूर्वजानां गहनतपसा  
फुल्लसंस्कृतभव्यकमलम् ।
पूरयतु नवसौरभम् ॥
  (सर्वमङ्गल ….) 

४. वहतु पुनरियमार्यभुवने
कविभिरनिशं सेविता ।
संस्कृता सुरभारती ॥
  (सर्वमङ्गल ….)

saṃskṛtā surabhāratī

1. sarvamaṅgaladāyinīyaṃ 
vasatu māmakahṛdayakamale 
(sarvamaṅgala …)

2. pāvane’smin bharatadeśe 
ṛṣivarāṇāṃ janmagehe।
(sarvamaṅgala …)

3. pūrvajānāṃ gahanatapasā   
pūrayatu navasaurabham॥
(sarvamaṅgala …)

4. vahatu punariyamāryabhuvane 
kavibhiraniśaṃ sevitā।
saṃskṛtā surabhāratī॥ 
(sarvamaṅgala …)

saṃskṛtā surabhāratī

1. sarva- all
maṅgala - auspicious/welfare
dāyinī yam - that which gives
divya - divine
mānava - human
saṃskṛtiḥ - culture
vasatu - may live
māmaka - in my
hṛdayakamale - lotus-like heart
lasatu - shine
bhāratabhūtale - on the land of Bharat ( India )

2. pāvane - in the sacred ( purifying )
asmin - in this
bharatadeśe - in the land of Bharata ( India )
ṛṣivarāṇām - of noble sages
janmagehe - in the birth-place
tuṅgahimanagarājite - resplendent with high snow mountains ( the Himalayas )
asmin - in this
saṃskṛtāśritasaṃskṛtiḥ - a culture which depends on Samskrit.

3. pūrvajānām - of forefathers
gahanatapasā - through severe penance
phullasaṃskṛtabhavyakamalam - bloomed the beautiful lotus called Samskrit
anavaratam - without any interruption
idam - this
amṛtam - nectar
atulam - unique
pūrayatu - may it fill
navasaurabham - new fragrance.

4. vahatu - may it flow
punaḥ - again
iyam - this
āryabhuvane - on the noble land
kavibhiḥ - by poets
aniśaṃ - always
sevitā - served
munibhiḥ - by sages
ārjita - collected
mantraninadaiḥ - by the sweet sounds of Mantras saṃskṛtā refined
surabhāratī - language of Gods

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