paśyatu vimale पश्यतु विमले
INTRODUCTION गानस्य परिचयः

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How many amongst us take some time off from our hectic lifestyle to be with Nature?

It is indeed rewarding to talk to a wandering sparrow or observe a lone magpie when we take a customary morning stroll, be it in a park or garden.

Each will have a story to tell, as your mind, unbound from earthly woes mundane, soars skywards with these feathered friends, to rapture!

‘paśyatu vimale’- ‘Look O Vimalā’, says the poet, not to miss the feast for the eyes that unfolds in the sky!

कियन्तः वयं त्वरापूर्णात् जीवनात् विरामं स्वीकृत्य प्रकृत्या मेलितुं समयं पश्यामः ?

प्रातः उद्याने चलनसमये परितः भ्रमन्त्या चटकया सह आलापने तथा एकाकिनः चाषस्य दर्शने च अस्माकं महान् प्रमोदः भवेत् ।

एकैकस्य पक्षिणः अपि कथयियुं कापि कथा स्यात् । तां श्रुत्वा अस्माकं मनः सांसारिकदुःखानि त्यक्त्वा पक्षयुक्तैः तैः सह आकाशे उपरि उपरि आरोहणं करिष्यति आनन्दं प्रति ।

आकाशे अनावृतं नेत्रसुखदं दृश्यम् अदृष्टं न भवेद् इति चिन्तया कविः चोदयति – पश्यतु विमले इति ।


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  • Word to Word Meaning
Lyrics Lyrics Lyrics पर्यायवाची

paśyatu vimale

Behold these birds, O Vimala!
Flocks of wings soft n’ vivid
Hornbills, cranes, crows n’ doves,
Peacocks too on a sprightly show!

The cuckoo strikes a melody sweet,
Peacock grooves a tasteful dance
Prying thus on scenes above
Cries the raven ‘ka ka ka!’

‘Hari Om!’ Cries the goose so cute,
‘Ngoom! Ngoom!’ Speaketh the owl,
Flying thus on a stately spree,
‘Tom! Tom!’ sounds the woodpecker!

Hence flies the Mynah into a hole,
Wagtail enquires, ‘How are you?’
Shaking head in full vigour, the duck,
Enters the pond sounding ‘kwa, kwa, kwa!’

The King of cranes meditates thus
The parrot keeps a silence still
To the skies doth fly apace,
Eagle, verily the king of birds!

On the lake floats the Indian Crane
Mind doth find the flamingo too
The morning sky spreads the flocks
Of birds, like-feathered in glee!

Sweet are the songs they sing,
Sweeter still the way they flirt,
The babble sure makes my mind
Rise in rapture with the friends a-winged!

paśyatu vimale

1. paśyatu vimale pakṣigaṇān
cātakasārasakākakapotamayūragaṇā iha nandanti॥

2. madhuram gāyati kokilako ruciraṃ nṛtyati barhiṇaḥ।
sakutūhalamiha paśyati sarvaṃ kā kā kurvan vāyasaḥ॥

3. hari oṃ! kathayati kādambo ṅūṃ ṅūṃ vilapati dātyūhaḥ।
ṭuṃ ṭuṃ śabdaṃ kṛtvā gacchati dārvāghāṭo rucirāṅgaḥ॥

4. gacchati kuharaṃ kañjanaḥ pṛcchati kuśalaṃ khañjanaḥ।
kampitaśīrṣaśarārirgacchati kvā kvā kurvan kāsāram॥

5. dhyānaṃ kurute bakarājo maunaṃ bhajate śukarājaḥ।
gaganaṃ prati gativegaṃ kurvan ḍayate garuḍaḥ khagarājaḥ॥

6. sarasi sarati khalu sāraso manasi vasati kila sāraṅgī।
uṣasi vihāyasi sakhijanasahitā vividhavihaṅgā viharanti॥

7. kecana madhuraṃ vilapanti hyanye nitarāṃ vilasanti।
kalapilakalakalabahuvidhaninadaiḥ toṣitamitthaṃ mama cittam॥

पश्यतु विमले

१. पश्यतु   विमले पक्षिगणान् मृदुलसुशोभनपक्षधरान्।
चातकसारसकाककपोतमयूरगणा इह नन्दन्ति॥

२. मधुरम् गायति कोकिलको रुचिरं नृत्यति बर्हिणः।
सकुतूहलमिह पश्यति सर्वं का का कुर्वन् वायसः॥

३. हरि ॐ! कथयति कादम्बो ङूं ङूं विलपति दात्यूहः।
टुं टुं शब्दं कृत्वा गच्छति दार्वाघाटो रुचिराङ्गः॥

४. गच्छति कुहरं कञ्जनः पृच्छति कुशलं खञ्जनः।
कम्पितशीर्षशरारिर्गच्छति क्वा क्वा कुर्वन् कासारम्॥

५. ध्यानं कुरुते बकराजो मौनं भजते शुकराजः।
गगनं प्रति गतिवेगं कुर्वन् डयते गरुडः खगराजः॥

६. सरसि सरति खलु सारसो मनसि वसति किल सारङ्गी।
उषसि विहायसि सखिजनसहिता विविधविहङ्गा विहरन्ति॥

७. केचन मधुरं विलपन्ति ह्यन्ये नितरां विलसन्ति।
कलपिलकलकलबहुविधनिनदैः तोषितमित्थं मम चित्तम्॥

paśyatu vimale

1. paśyatu - look
vimale - O Vimala
pakṣigaṇān - groups of birds
mṛdula-suśobhana-pakṣadharān - having soft and beautiful wings
cātaka-sārasa-kāka-kapota-mayūragaṇāḥ - groups of hornbills, cranes, crows, doves and peacocks.
nandanti - are rejoicing

2. madhuram - sweetly
gāyati - sings
kokilakaḥ - the cuckoo
ruciram - beautifully
nṛtyati - dances
barhiṇaḥ - the peacock
sakutūhalaṃ - with curiosity
iha - here
paśyati - sees
sarvam - everything
kā kā - sound of crow crying ‘ka ka’
kurvan - crying
vāyasaḥ - the crow.

3. hari om - Hari Om
kathayati - says
kādambaḥ - the beautiful goose ( Kalahamsa)
ṅūṃ ṅūṃ - sound of ‘ngoom ngoom’
vilapati - cries
dātyūhaḥ - the gallinule ( a bird resembling an owl)
ṭuṃ ṭuṃ - sound of ‘tum tum’
śabdam - sound
kṛtvā - having made, while making
gacchati - goes
dārvāghāṭaḥ - woodpecker
rucirāṅgaḥ - with a beautiful body

4. gacchati - goes
kuharam - into the cavity
kañjanaḥ - Myna
pṛcchati - asks ( enquires )
kuśalam - wellbeing
khañjanaḥ - the wagtail
kampita-śīrṣa- shaking its head
śarāriḥ - the duck
gacchati - goes
kvā kvā - sound of ‘kwa kwa’
kurvan - making
kāsāram - into the pond.

5. dhyānam - meditation
kurute - is doing
bakarājaḥ - the king of the cranes
maunam - silence
bhajate - keeps
śukarājaḥ - the king of parrots
gaganaṃ prati - towards the sky
gativegam - speed of flight
kurvan - making
ḍayate - flies
garuḍaḥ - eagle
khagarājaḥ - the king of birds

6. sarasi - in the lake
sarati - moves ( floats )
khalu - indeed
sārasaḥ - swan (Indian crane )
manasi - in the mind
vasati - lives
kila - most likely
sāraṅgī - flamingo
uṣasi - in the morning
vihāyasi - in the sky
sakhijana - friends
sahitā - along with
vividha - various
vihaṅgāḥ - birds
viharanti - moving playfully.

7. kecana - some
madhuram - sweetly
vilapanti - sing
hi anye - yet others
nitarām - very well
vilasanti - are flirting
kala-pila-kala-kala- sound of ‘kala pila kala kala’
bahuvidha - numerous
ninadaiḥ - sounds
toṣitam - pleased
ittham - thus
mama - my
cittam - mind

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