mama mātā मम माता
INTRODUCTION गानस्य परिचयः

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Perhaps, mother’s love is just as unconditional as Divine love!

Compassion is so synonymous with motherly love that poets could not but sing in praise of its heavenly form!

The acts and deeds of mother and child have been evergreen favorites transcending time and space!

It is morning and beginning of a new day.

For the child in peaceful slumber, nothing will suffice but the loving voice of her mother to wake her up to a day full of promise and love!

Through the day, each and every deed of her mother is that of adoration and tender love! Let us hear it again through her world and her words – kalye budhyati mama jananī!

प्रायः मातुः प्रेम एव दैविकप्रेम इव निरपेक्षम्।

अनुकम्पा मातुः प्रेम्णा तुल्या भवति इति कारणेन कवयः तस्य दैविकरूपस्य स्तवनम् अकृत्वा स्थातुं न शक्तवन्तः ।

शिशोः मातुः च सर्वाः चेष्टाः कालं देशं च अतिक्रम्य वर्तमानाः सर्वप्रियाः भवन्ति ।

इदं प्रभातम् । एकस्य नवदिनस्य आरम्भः ।

शान्तिपूर्णायां निद्रायां शयानां बालिकां सान्त्वनस्नेहपूर्णस्य दिनस्य प्रतीक्षया उत्थापयितुं मातुः मधुरः स्वरः एव पर्याप्तः ।

यावद्दिनं मातुः एकैका चेष्टा सान्त्वनस्य मृदुस्नेहस्य च भवति । बालिकायाः शब्देभ्यः तदधिकृत्य शृणुयाम– कल्ये बुध्यति मम जननी ॥


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  • Word to Word Meaning
Lyrics Lyrics Lyrics पर्यायवाची

mama mātā

1. Cometh morn, my mom’s awake
She stirs me up awhile
Cometh morn, my mom’s awake
She stirs me up awhile
Bathes me with waters warm
Covers me with cloths anew.
Cometh morn, my mom’s awake
She stirs me up awhile
Bathes me with waters warm
Covers me with cloths anew.
Cometh morn, my mom’s awake

2. On to forehead mine, my mom
Anoints a tilakam thus
On to forehead mine, my mom
Anoints a tilakam thus
Eyes with collyrium too
And earrings to ornament
Cometh morn, my mom’s awake

3. Then on to meal she brings
A plate on which to feed
Then on to meal she brings
A plate on which to feed
Me upon her lap firmly, she puts
Dollops of food in my mouth
Cometh morn, my mom’s awake

4. Stories about crows she tells
Next about dogs, which I fear
When moved to tears, thus
Sweet kisses from her, my mom!

मम माता

१. कल्ये बुध्यति मम जननी
पश्चान्मामपि बोधयति।
कल्ये बुध्यति मम जननी
पश्चान्मामपि बोधयति।
उष्णजलेनाप्लावयति नव-
वसनं सा परिधारयति॥

२. फाले तिलकं धारयति पुन-
फाले तिलकं धारयति पुन-
कर्णद्वयमपि भूषयति॥
कल्ये बुध्यति मम जननी

३. पात्रे भोजनमानयति माम्
अङ्के दृढमुपवेशयति।
पात्रे भोजनमानयति माम्
अङ्के दृढमुपवेशयति।
मामकवदने स्थापयति॥
कल्ये बुध्यति मम जननी

४. काककथां मां श्रावयति सा
शौनककथया भाययति।
श्रुत्वा रोदितुमुद्युक्ते मयि
गण्डे चुम्बनमर्पयति॥

mama mātā

1. kalye budhyati mama jananī
paścānmāmapi bodhayati।
kalye budhyati mama jananī
paścānmāmapi bodhayati।
uṣṇajalenāplāvayati nava-
vasanaṃ sā paridhārayati॥

2. phāle tilakaṃ dhārayati puna-
phāle tilakaṃ dhārayati puna-
karṇadvayamapi bhūṣayati॥
kalye budhyati mama jananī

3. pātre bhojanamānayati mām
aṅke dṛḍhamupaveśayati।
pātre bhojanamānayati mām
aṅke dṛḍhamupaveśayati।
māmakavadane sthāpayati॥
kalye budhyati mama jananī

4. kākakathāṃ māṃ śrāvayati sā
śaunakakathayā bhāyayati।
śrutvā roditumudyukte mayi
gaṇḍe cumbanamarpayati॥

mama mātā

1. kalye - in the morning
budhyati - wakes up
mama - my
jananī - mother
paścāt - then
mām - me
api - also
bodhayati - wakes me up
uṣnajalena - with hot (warm) water
āplāvayati – bathes
navavasanaṃ - new cloth
sā - she
paridhārayati – dresses me up

2. phāle - on the forehead
tilakaṃ - tilak
dhārayati - puts on
punaḥ - again/ then
akṣṇoḥ - in the two eyes
añjanaṃ - collyrium
ālikhati - applies
sundarakuṇḍalayugalena - with two beautiful ear-rings (kundalas)
karṇadvayam - two (both) ears
api - also
bhūṣayati - ornaments (verb)

3. pātre - in a vessel
bhojanaṃ - food
ānayati - brings
mām - me
aṅke - on the lap
dṛḍhaṃ - strongly, forcefully
upaveśayati - seats (makes me sit)
tatkaranirmitaṃ - made (cooked) by her own hands
annagrāsaṃ - balls of food
māmakavadane - in my mouth
sthāpayati - places (puts)

4. kākakathāṃ - story of crow
māṃ - me
śrāvayati - makes hear
sā - she
śaunakakathayā - with the story of dog
bhāyayati - frightens
śrutvā - having heard (hearing)
roditum - to cry
udyukte - when ready (about to)
mayi - me
gaṇḍe - on the cheek
cumbanam - kiss
arpayati - gives

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