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Spearheaded by a team of spirited volunteers, saṃskṛtabhāratī conducts various programmes aimed at enabling people from all sections of society to discover the joy of speaking saṃskṛtam (Sanskrit), providing a glimpse into the scientific heritage and spiritual wisdom embodied in saṃskṛtam (Sanskrit) literature and highlighting the need to preserve its knowledge for posterity.
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विविधान् कार्यक्रमान् आयोजयति यैः समाजस्य सर्वे विभागाः संस्कृतसम्भाषणे आनन्दम् अनुभवितुं समर्थाः भविष्यन्ति, संस्कृतवाङ्मये विद्यमानं वैज्ञानिकपैतृकम् आध्यात्मिकज्ञानसमुदयं च साक्षात्कुर्युः, आगामिपुरुषान्तराणां कृते तज्ज्ञानसंरक्षणस्य आवश्यकता सुप्रकाशिता भविष्यति च ।
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